
Arched doorway leading to the Lawn at the University of Virginia

Did you know?

  • Every year thousands of youth participate in youth programs, activities, and events on Grounds at the University of Virginia and on campus at the College at Wise. In 2023, 258 camps and programs were offered with 21,335 youth participants.
  • Programs operate in other spaces--K-12 schools, farms, research labs, radio stations--which provide outreach to and unique opportunities for youth
  • In 2023, 1,800+ individuals completed the online Youth Protection Training provided by the Office of Youth Protection. 

These opportunities for youth are often a doorway to the University and College at Wise and are a connector to communities.

The Office of Youth Protection was created to provide a centralized office to resource programs involving minors and to provide processes, procedures, and assistance in program staff complying with applicable laws. 

The Office of Youth Protection seeks to collaborate with programs to understand your goals and how you operate in order to support your program in meeting the requirements of the Policy and continuing to offer excellent youth events and opportunities.

In addition to University requirements, Programs at UVA for children under age 13 may also be subject to certain state legal requirements for operating as a child day program. Virginia state law requires that certain programs for children be licensed or qualify as an exemption. The Virginia Department of Education - Office of Child Care Health and Safety oversees these requirements and created the following resources to assist program directors. Please review these state legal requirements prior to planning your youth program at UVA. Reach out to [email protected] and we can partner with you on questions.  


Notifications and Updates

Blue background with white text stating Have you heard? The Protection of Minors and Reporting Abuse Policy (HRM-050) and procedures have been updated. Click or tap this picture for more information and resources to support you in providing a safe and secure environment for youth.



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Just Report It

Youth Protection Portal 

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Title IX and Sexual Misconduct

Drug Free Schools and Communities Act